Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Correlational Research

R                                                          Correlational Research

A.       Definition of Correlational Research
According to Arikunto, Suharsimi, correlational research is one of description research. Correlational research is the research that used by researcher to find out or to know relationship among two or more variables, without make a changing or adding or manipulation data that has existed. Suharsimi said that there are two types of correlational research, they are parearel correlation and cause and consequence correlational research.

Ø  Pararel correlational research
This type can help the researcher to know relation between two variable, the researcher only collect the data and the researcher will find the relation between.

Ø  Cause and Consequence Correlational Research.
Different with the previous type, this type try to know relation between two variable to determine whether is there any influences between each other.
B.            Purposes of Correlational Research
o  Correlational studies are carried out either to help explain important human behaviors or to predict likely outcomes.
o  If a relationship of sufficient magnitude exists between two variables, it becomes possible to predict a score on one variable if a score on the other variable is known.
o  The variable that is used to make the prediction is called the predictor variable.
o  The variable about which the prediction is made is called the criterion variable.
o  Both scatterplots and regression lines are used in correlational studies to predict  score on a criterion variable
o  A predicted score is never exact. As a result, researchers calculate an index of prediction error, which is known as the standard error of estimate.

C.     Formulating the Aims of the Research
The aim of your research should reflect the aspirations and expectations of the research topic. Example of an aim is shown below:
§  To evaluate the mature students' experience of higher education: motivations, expectations (Walters, M, 1996, PhD Manchester University)
D.     Formulating the Problems
Formulating the research problem and hypothesis acts as a major step or phase in the research methodology. In research, the foremost step that comes into play is that of defining the research problem and it becomes almost a necessity to have the basic knowledge and understanding of most of its elements as this would help a lot in making a correct decision. The research problem can be said to be complete only if it is able to specify about the unit of analysis, time and space boundaries, features that are under study, specific environmental conditions that are present in addition to prerequisite of the research process.
A research problem can belong to one of the following two categories – it can belong to the category in which there can be relationships between various variables or it may belong to the other category, which is based on nature. In the beginning, it is important for a researcher to find out the general interest or the subject matter, which he wants to study. By this the researcher will be able to state a problem more broadly and also in a much generalized form then the ambiguities linked to the problem can be referred and understood. This really supports in the formulation of a problem of a research. Although this process is not that simple and requires many fruitful discussions in order to achieve a proper conclusion or a decision.

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