Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Implementation of direct strategy in Islamic education teaching learning process


A.       Background of The Problem
Religious education is an important part of education to form a perfect man. Islamic religion as part of a number of world religions, a religion that has view of life that the world is something that is transitory and games or sheer. Religious people will be more concerned with the afterlife so he will make the world a good field to get the perfect life in the hereafter.
One way to achieve perfect life is trough religious education, more specifically the religious education of Islam as the religion followed by the majority of the Indonesian population. However, reality indicates the failure of Islamic religious education in our environment.
Education of Islamic religion is one of part to make perfect person. Education is a process of transferring of knowledge. Through Islamic education all of Islamic knowledge will be spread to other generation.
In the interaction of learning activities in the classroom, both teachers and students have an important role. The difference lies in the function and role of each. Course instructor must have certain advantages than learners, which will be used to teach learners. Teachers should select and define appropriate learning strategies to achieve the goal of teaching. In selecting and determining the approach required specific learning strategies. The approach is a perspective or point of departure for understanding the whole issue in the learning process. Viewpoint describes a way of thinking and attitude of teachers in performing their duties.

B.   The formulations of The Problem
            Based on the background problems described above, the formulation of issues to be discussed are:
1.    What is definition of learning strategy?
2.    What is definition of direct strategy in teaching learning process?
3.    How can direct strategy used in Islamic education teaching learning process?
C.  Aims  of The Paper
1.    To know definition of learning strategy?
2.    To know definition of direct strategy in teaching learning process?
3.    To know implementation of direct strategy in Islamic education teaching learning process?

A.       Definition of Learning Strategy
Strategy is derived from the Greek “strategos”, which means an attempt to achieve a victory in a war originally used in military environments however, the term strategy is used in a variety of fields who have the same relative essence including adopted in the learning context that is known in terms of learning strategies.
According to J.R (1976) learning strategy is a plan that content about arrange of teaching activity that has goal to achieve purpose of teaching.
Dick and Carey (1985) said that learning strategy is collecting materials and teaching procedure that used at the same time to achieve result of teaching process.
Kozna (1989) generally, learning strategy can be defined as any activity chosen, namely to provide facilities or assistance to students towards the achievement of specific learning objectives.
Gerlanch and Ely (1980) explains that learning strategies are chosen ways to deliver learning methods in a particular learning environment.
Learning strategy is a plan or a program that is extensively used to ensure that a certain message or lesson is passed from the teacher to the student. These plans use various means, either theoretical or practical. The duration of these plans may last a short period like a month or even a year.
According to theories above, strategy of teaching can be defined that strategy of teaching is the ways to get purpose of teaching learning process and also strategy of teaching can be defined to define all aspects related to the achievement of learning objectives, including planning, implementation and assessment.
Learning strategies different with instructional design, learning strategies concerned to the possibility of a wide variety of patterns and sequences in the sense of common actions of teaching and learning principles that differ from one another, while the instructional design refers to the ways the system to something specific learning environment, after set up to use one or more specific learning strategies. When aligned in the manufacture of home, talks about (miscellaneous) learning strategy is like tracking a variety of possible types of homes to be built, while the instructional design is the blueprint determination houses to be built it and the materials needed and sequence of construction steps and criterion completion of phase to completion until the end, after a specified type of house that will be opened.
B.       Definition of Direct Strategy In Teaching Learning Process.
Direct learning is a strategy in which teacher as the center of teaching learning process. On this strategy includes methods of lecture, didactic questions, explicit teaching, practice and practice, as well as demonstrations. This strategy effectively used to expand or develop information skills step by step.
Learning strategy like these can help students learn the basic skills and acquire knowledge step by step. According to Arends (2001): "A model of teaching that is Aimed at helping student learn basic skills and knowledge that can be taught in a step-by-step fashion. For our purposes here, these models are labeled the direct instruction model.
This learning strategy (direct instruction) based on behavioral learning theory holds that learning depends on experience, including providing feedback. One application of behavioral learning theory is reinforcement. Feedback to students in reinforcement learning is the application of behavioral theory.
Arends (1997) states: "The direct instruction specie Model was designed to promote student learning of procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge that is well structured and can be taught in a step-by-step fashion.  Further Arends (2001) states: "Direct instruction is a teacher-centered model of that has five steps: establishing set, explanation and / or demonstration, guided practice, feedback, and extended practice a direct instruction lesson requires careful orchestration by the teacher and a learning environment that businesslike and task-oriented ".
 Direct teaching model gives students the opportunity to learn by observing selectively, remembering and imitating what the teacher modeled. It is therefore important thing that must be considered in applying the model of direct instruction is to avoid conveying knowledge too complex. In addition, direct teaching model prioritizes declarative approach with an emphasis on learning concepts and motor skills, thus creating a more structured learning environment.
Teachers who use the direct teaching model is responsible for identifying learning objectives, structure of materials, and basic skills will be taught. Then convey knowledge to students, providing modeling / demonstration, provide opportunities for students to practice applying concepts / skills that have been learned, and provide feedback.
This strategy is also good to introduce learning methods, or actively involving students in constructing knowledge. Direct instructional strategies usually deductive, meaning rules or generalizations presented, and then illustrated with examples. This strategy is considered to be easier in the planning and use, but it is actually an effective direct instruction is often more complex than one might imagine at first.
Methods in direct instructional strategies used by teachers widely.  The main use of direct teaching strategy  need to be evaluated, and the teacher must know the limitations of this method to develop the skills, processes, and attitudes needed to think critically, and to the development of interpersonal or group study. Affective and cognitive abilities higher may  require the use of a variety of learning methods associated with other strategies, not only direct instructional strategies, therefore, teachers should use a variety of instructional strategies.
C.       Implementation of Direct Strategy into Islamic Education Teaching Learning Process
There are some traits / characteristics of the direct strategy, namely:
(a)           Direct Strategy can be done by delivering course material verbally, verbally speak it means is the main tool in doing this strategy, therefore, is often associated with speech.
(b)          Usually the subject matter presented is a subject matter that is so, such as data or facts, certain concepts to be memorized so that does not require students to think again. There is mention in terms of procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge,
(c)           The main goal is comprehending of the subject matter of learning itself. That is, after ending learning process students are expected to understand correctly the way back to reveal the material that has been described.
Steps of Direct Learning Strategy
According Kardi and Nur (2000: 27-43), direct teaching steps include the following stages:
1.      Delivering objective and Prepare students
This step aims to motivate students so that they can concentrate on learning. Moreover in order to attract and focus learners.
2.      Delivering objective or purpose
In teaching learning process, students need to know for what purpose they are learning. Students also need to know what to do after following the lessons in the classroom. Therefore the delivery of the learning objectives to the students is very important. Delivery of objectives can be done through teacher lesson plan summaries by them on the board or attach written information on the bulletin board, which contains the stages and its contents, as well as the allocation of time provided for each stage.
3.      Prepare students
This activity aims to attract students' attention and focus on the subject that will be delivered. And reasserts the learning outcomes have been held, which is relevant to the subject to be studied.
4.      Presentation and Demonstration
The second phase of direct instruction is to do a presentation or demonstration of knowledge and skills. The key to success is to present the information as accurately as possible and follow the step-by-step demonstration effective.
5.      Achieving clarity
The results consistently show that the ability of teachers to convey information affects the students' learning process.
6.      Demonstration
Teachers need to fully master the concepts or skills that will be demonstrated that it will be demonstrated that it can work well.
7.      To achieve understanding and mastery
To ensure that students will observe the true behavior , then the teacher should really pay attention to what is happening at every stage of the demonstration. This is so that the students are not wrong in what has been modeled on demonstrated because many students do not behave properly due to imitate the behavior of people who are not true anyway.
8.      Practice
To be able to demonstrate something correctly required intensive training, and notice important aspects of the skill or concept that will be demonstrated.
9.      Gives Guided Exercises
According Kardi and Nur (2000: 35-36) there are some things that need to be considered by the teacher in giving training to the students:
ü  Proficient students meaningful exercises
ü  Provide training to students truly master the concepts learned
ü  Be careful to exercise ongoing
ü  Paying attention to the early stages of training
10.  Checking for Understanding and Providing Feedback
This stage is sometimes commonly referred to as the stage recitation teacher give some oral or written questions then student teachers respond to students' answers. Teachers can use a variety of ways to provide feedback as feedback verbally, tests, and written comments. Without specific feedback, students cannot fix its shortcomings, and cannot reach a steady level of skill mastery.
11.  Provide training opportunities themselves
In this stage, teachers give assignments to students to apply newly acquired skills independently.
As we know every  learning process has a learning strategy. One of them, a strategy directly or that we are familiar with Direct  Intruction. In the process of teaching and learning in the direct interaction of Islamic religious education can be applied to the material aspects of worship PAI eg. Because the direct method the students not only get a theory with a lecture course, but students will be able to better understand the material when in working directly with the so students will be more effective in learning. We took one of the SK / KD on Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)
Here is a sample SK and KD PAI learning strategies that require direct in his teaching.

Competency standards:
Have an understanding and a deeper appreciation of the teachings of Islam about thaharah, worship, burial and muamalah concept and be able to practice it in everyday life
Basic Competence: Doing sholat fardhu  
• Ability to write basic law sholat fardu
• Able to recite the prayer readings fardhu
• Able to practice movements fard prayer

To achieve the SK / KD using learning strategies Direct Instruction with existing measures on the direct instructional practice and provide guided practice. Because prayer is not effective if the material just use the lecture method alone, for it must be a practice that can clarify the matter and provide a deeper understanding of the fard prayer.

A.     Conclusion
According to explanation above has explained that Direct Strategy in teaching learning process gives suitable solution in Islamic education teaching learning process. In this strategy provides the steps that can make students comprehend material easier. On the other hand this strategy also makes the teachers easy to manage the class and make relation between students and teacher closer.
B.     Suggestion
In the process of making this paper, the writer feels there are many weaknesses but writer hopes that this paper can be applied when we are teaching. The writer also need some critical from the reader to increase writer’s motivation in make another paper.

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